Chapter 6 "Silver Lining"

Hazel was standing in the middle of a field. To her right a huge storm was on its way. She could hear the faint sound of thunder as it rolled across the sky. Hazel had always loved storms. To her left was a beautiful sunny day, with a few white clouds. Hazel turned her head away from it, toward the wind that had started to blow, and which quickly became stronger. Suddenly, she looked up at the sky and her breath caught in her throat. There were dark clouds to her right and a sunny day to her left but right in the middle was a row of stars. They were very simple: just little white dots but the sight was the most exciting, beautiful and wonderful thing she had ever seen. There were only about ten rows of them, all neatly lined up. Hazel couldn't take her eyes off them. She was reminded of a saying she had once heard: That every person has a dark side, a light side and a mysterious side.

Suddenly the stars started to fade. The wind died down and the sunny day started to take over. The sun went down on Hazel and she could see her shadow out of the corner of her eye. She started to cry, really cry. She didn't want those stars to ever leave, but they were, and there was nothing she could do about it. At that moment, she felt so helpless that all she could do was cry as she watched them disappear, actually calling out for them to come back.

Hazel jolted awake and looked around. She was still in the van with Jose at her side. The van must have hit a bump and it woke her up. Her cheeks were actually wet with tears and she was amazed to realize that she was crying. Was that a dream? But I have never dreamed before, Hazel's thoughts flew. Looking ahead, she knew this mystery would have to wait a little while as Von R's lab was coming into view.

Hazel had already decided she did not want to see her creator. She wasn't worried about Jose mentioning her; he would want to take all the glory for himself. She would, however, make sure he kept his end of the bargain. She chose to watch rather then help the Fixed Ideas with the cage containing Cybersix. Quaren came up to her; once again Hazel didn't hear her approach.
"Don't do that again!" Hazel commanded.
"Do what?" Quaren asked innocently while trying to keep the grin off her face. Hazel didn't even answer. She just rolled her eyes and went in.

Once inside the lab, the Fixed Ideas headed down a corridor with the cage that had a really pissed off Cyber inside. Hazel couldn't help but wander away a little on her own: Opening doors she remembered. Going into cabinets in a few rooms. Apparently, not much had changed. Maybe she really did want to see Von R now. Well, she didn't really know what she wanted. Perhaps she just wanted to prove he's not the man he was and she can be proud of him.

With her head down she continued her search. Yes, she had decided that she really was looking for something and she would know it when she found it. The dream had not left her mind.

The sound of crackling static could be heard in the distance. Hazel had little trouble picking it up and following it to the room from where it came. Von R's cold voice could be heard, and it was obvious he was addressing Cybersix. Hazel didn't know whether to go or stay. She didn't want to hear this, but once again the desire to know what Von R was like came to her. So, against her better judgment, she listened in.
"So the strong and determined Cyber has returned," said a mocking voice.
Cybersix chose not to answer it, wise in Hazel's opinion.
"Are you ready to come back to me?" the voice continued, knowing the answer.
"Never" Cybersix said in a soft yet still strong voice. Hazel, despite herself, winced a little, knowing that something was going to happen, for you just didn't openly disobey Von R and get away with it. Hazel closed her eyes, understanding fully why people who lived terrible lives where they where still chose not to leave: It was the fear. You never stopped being afraid of that thing. Ever. Hazel heard a cranking noise and then a little grunting from Cybersix. She couldn't help it: she peeped inside to see what was going on.
The top of the tank was pressing down on Cybersix, trying to squish her. Cybersix was trying to hold it up. Hazel knew she wasn't in danger of dying, but it would hurt a great deal. She closed the door and walked away as fast as she could without actually running.

Hazel kept her head down, as she traveled through the tunnels under the lab, not that it mattered much. Everyone thought she was a Techno or something, so no questions were asked. She was listening for one voice in particular: Jose's. She just wanted to leave now. In fact, maybe leave Meridiania alltogether. It would not be safe to stay there much longer. She did want a gun and thought she would stop by a gunshop there to get one.
"What are we going to do about that Techno?" a deep voice asked.
"Give her what she wants" Jose said.
"You're really going to free her of sustenance?" the other voice sounded astonished.
There was the sound of something that would pass for an evil cackle, "In a manner of speaking. We just take her out and those idiots can have a little target practice."
Hazel repressed the urge to slap her forehead. Of course! How could she have been so stupid? Double meanings! Jose's words came back to haunt her: "-and I'll free you of sustenance". That's why it didn't look like he was lying. Unexpectedly, rage filled her. She hadn't been tricked often in her life, but she hated it. All right! If that's the way you want to play, fine! Turning around she headed off in a dead run.

The door made the usual steaming sound as Hazel opened it. She had already taken out the guards at the front. Cautiously she walked in to the room, the door closing behind her. She knew she didn't have much time as Von R was sure to have cameras and alarms all over the place. What she didn't know was that an alarm had already gone off. She came to a stop in front of a tank. Inside was a black figure, it's back turned to her. Sparks flew out all around the tank. Hazel shivered involuntarily. Carefully she rapped on the glass.

The figure turned and looked at her. Cybersix's cold eyes met Hazel's. Cybersix didn't have to say anything; Hazel sighed and thought it best not to speak for now. She had borrowed a knife for the job. The glass cut fairly easily given Hazel's strength and skill. Cybersix was out in a manner of seconds.

Cybersix stepped out, her black eyes never once leaving Hazel's. Hazel folded her arms in front of her chest, although her heart was beating quickly: Cybersix had not made a move yet. Her aura was surprised, but Hazel wasn't about to let her guard down. Purposefully, she turned on her heel and walked out. Cybersix followed close behind, still glaring. It was strange: Hazel could almost feel it. They hadn't walked too far down the hall when Hazel suddenly turned around and let a smile creep onto her face.
"Don't I get a thank you?" she asked innocently.
Cybersix was really taken aback by that, "No!" she sputtered.
"Oh that's not nice!" Hazel pretended to look hurt, still playing the fool. Cybersix didn't seem to know what to make of her. Hazel had an evil idea on how to freak Cybersix out but decided against it. At the same time, she was confused as to why they hadn't met anyone yet. Cybersix didn't seem to be concerned about it, for she was studying Hazel.
"Why did you double cross me?" she asked in a quiet voice, but which had strength in it. Hazel made a mental note to try to learn how to do that.
"Did I double cross you? If anyone was double crossed it was me." she calmly answered.
Cybersix snorted, "really?"
"Of course," was the reply.
Cybersix was starting to pull herself together and was getting angry, "Well, if you were, you have no one to blame but yourself!"
Hazel had a hard time coming back with that one because it was the truth, "Maybe, maybe not. I'm sure if I tried hard enough I could place the blame elsewhere, but it doesn't matter much. What's done is done."
Cybersix shook her head, "It'll catch up with you." she said unkindly.
"Thanks. I'll remember that little gem of wisdom," Hazel rolled her eyes, then started walking away again. Cybersix headed off in a different direction. A hooded glance told Hazel she was still angry, but Hazel knew she had bigger fish to fry. As did she herself: Jose. Where was that bastard?

Unfortunately, Hazel had used all of her luck up with the capture. As she was turning the corner, she almost ran into Data7. She jumped over him at the last minute. He snarled and chased after her. Using his large paws, he tripped her before she had gone many paces. Hazel quickly turned over in time to bring her arm up; his jaws latched on to it. It hurt and Hazel felt her lack of sustenance coming on. Her arm would be of no use to her. She gritted her teeth and got ready to try to catch him by surprise with her knife.

Suddenly, Data7 jumped off. Hazel looked around slightly confused, then saw Quaren at the end of the hallway. Hate simply dripped off of both their auras. Getting up, Hazel kept going without even looking back, no longer worried about being followed.

In the area outside the lab, Cyber24 had her hands full with some Fixed Ideas. It began to dawn on Hazel just what had happened: While she had been wandering around the lab, Cyber24 and Data7 had followed the vans to Von R's lab. They must have attacked the lab just as Hazel was freeing Cybersix, which explained why no one came to stop them. Cybersix must have known that, or had heard the fighting. Jose, however, was nowhere in sight. Odd.

For the second time that day, Hazel went against her better judgment and went back inside the lab to continue her search.

Five minutes and still no sign of anyone or anything of interest. She was about ready to give up on this direction and try another one she knew of when she heard Jose and Von R talking. Or more appropretly, she heard Von R yelling at Jose while he was groveling. Hazel couldn't help but grin to herself: She knew she was the reason for this. Cybersix's escape had obvously not gone over well with Von R. Hazel waited until he dismissed Jose, then followed him as nothing more than a shadow.

Jose stopped at his room before going down to see how the battle was going. He was getting something ready while mumbling to himself. When Hazel glided in, he looked up puzzled. A quick punch in the stomach had already shut Sylvester up pretty quick. She began to advance on Jose, her knife hidden. Jose didn't seem to sense anything out of the ordinary.

"What do you want?" his agitated mood had him talking to her like she was a Fixed Idea.
Hazel didn't say anything, but just kept walking closer.
Jose's aura began to show a slight sign of fear: He was starting to get the picture. He started to back up, then suddenly turned tail and ran out. Hazel had expected this and took up the chase. However, Jose had a good head start, and so she lost him at a junction of six corridors.
"Run now little boy! Daddy'll save you!" she yelled down the halls, her voice coming back to her in the form of an echo. Enough fooling around she thoughtto herself You have to get out of here.
Yes, the fun and games were over. No question or argument there. She turned around and headed for the exit, most of her anger having faded. Von R will take care of her revenge for her. A little way down she heard footsteps coming fast. Nowhere to hide, Hazel jumped up, grabbed the bars on the ceiling, and hung on. The arm Data7 had chewed on cried out, but she silenced it the best she could. If no one looked up, they wouldn't see her. That became the case as Cyber24 sped by.
Shit. That meant Fixed Ideas would be running around, making escape be not so easy.
Cyber24 came back, stopped, and waited. Hazel tensed, but still no one saw her.
Cybersix came into view. Data 7 soon followed. Well, isn't this cheery she thought, All we would need is Dr. Zack and we could play pin the blame on the donkey. As usual, Hazel's more sarcastic side was waking up under the stress.
"Is everyone all right?" Cybersix asked.
"Yes" that was Cyber24.
Cybersix nodded and then motioned with her hand that they should follow her.
Hazel waited a moment after they left before dropping down and following them, knowing they would all have to meet up some time. She expected the exits would not be clear, but was sure the trio she was following would clear them for her benefit, Light, Dark or Mysterious side: Which are you? She mused to herself.

End of Chapter 6

