(Gota love the tital REAL creative) Cybersix
The dawn broke over the horizon pulling Cbersix out of the land of dreams.That or her alarm clock that had just lost a fight to
her. She got out of bed and wondered over to the closet to get her clothes. Funny how even days that will change your life forever can start out so normal. Once dressed in Adrian's attire and mind set out in the direction of
Meridina high school.
Jose was also having a well...normal day (and I use the term loosely). After having himself dressed and feed, stood before the computer waiting for his father's image to make an
appearance. Von R was not in a good mood.
"I suppose it would be a safe guess that you have not captured cybersix yet?"
"Yes father, but I will have a new plan soon" Jose defended himself.
"For your sake I hope so"
"Yes Father"
"This is why you are only second in command Jose"
With that the screen went blank. Jose looked at it for a few moments thinking. His
father was wrong he was very smart just a little immature.
"A little?!?!"
"Hey shut-up and just tell the damn story!"
At this very moment Adrian was standing outside of Meridania High
School waiting for Lucas. He was not kept waiting long. "Hi Adrian, anything new?" "No not really"
They started their walk down the hall toward their respective classrooms. When Lori came
bounding by. Adrian sighed and walked a little faster, it didn't help that they had the same destination. "Hi Mr. S"
"Hello Lori" Adrian replied she took no notice of the exasperation in his
voice. Adrian tried very hard to tune her out while he looked for an escape. The teachers lounge was too far and he didn't have class for another 5 minutes. That was too long in his opinion to be alone with Lori. Then he saw it
like a beacon of hope the men's room. He went in without a word to Lori who looked very disappointed. Now this plan would have been okay if Cybersix had taken her usual precautions. What she normally did was have one washroom
where she would at the same time everyday and no one would be in there ( This is my guess anyway.) Today however in her desire to get away from Lori she had just rushed in to any men's room she saw. As fate would have it Lucas
was there and Adrian was sure he/she felt his/her cheeks go ten shades of red. At this point Adrian felt he would rather take his chances with Lori then stay here.
********* Class went with out a hitch and by lunch
Adrian felt pretty relaxed. Until he got to the cafe for he knew he would have to be on alert all the time so he didn't alert Lucas of his/her actual gender. it was soccer season so she may not have worried until half time
(please let there be a half time soccer).
"I saw Cybersix last night" Lucas started off. Oh here we go Adrian thought. It's a good thing I didn't ask him not to talk about me to other people ao anything like
that. Of course she would be kidding herself if she said that she didn't like it sometimes just not today. She felt tension in the air and knew something big was coming but didn't know what it was or what to do about it.
I don’t know if there’ll ever be more. I wrote this when I had writers block.