
Something I wrote for a contest but I’m not sure if I’m going to enter it in or not yet. It could only be 500 words or less though and that was hard for me :( (It’s actually 613 words right now ^_^;;)

One of These Days…

“Run! Don’t ever stop! Don’t ever get too confident, they are always right behind you even if you can’t see them!"

These words echo in my mind, I run, as bidden, long ago with these wise instructions. Our foot steps pound the ground. I’m sure the whole world can hear us rush through. There and gone, in a moment never to have existed. If you die tomorrow, no one will ever know, nor care, that you had once roamed the Earth. It’s rather pathetic in its own way I guess, its life’s own private little joke. Why do I send out these thoughts? Because it’s something. They are mine alone, they float alone, yet together in the vastness of space as they zoom faster then the speed of light. Just as I run through allies, willing my legs to carry me.

Someone falls behind me, I don’t stop to help them.  Everyone for themselves and all that. Lights bounce of the walls, I vanish behind a garbage can and wait for them to pass me by. These creatures that are cruel and unjust hurry by, thankfully, too preoccupied to look down to see if they let one fortunate innocent escape.

Yet our dream is to stand up to them, to let our incredible numbers conquer these ignorant abominations once and for all. My Mother said that was a foolish dream and that it would never happen, she’s dead. Does that prove anything? Perhaps.

I slip through a small sliver in the wall and disappear from the murderous eyes that hunt me day and night. Some say they are at times kind. I don’t believe it, they do nothing but masquerade torment as kindness. They let us stand in clear view and never once giving us so much as a hard look. We are left there terrified, breathing fast lumps in our throats, at times for days on end. Then they will appear again and we are, as they are fond of saying, history.

I continue to make the short journey through the hallway until I come out into one of our billions of hideouts. They are forever finding them and sucking the life out of all who dwell there. I’ve even heard cases of them feeding us to their pets! What monsters they must be. They take no prisoners.

I embrace an old friend of mine, she claps me on the shoulder and asks if I’m indeed unharmed. I answer I’m as well as can be expected. I ask her if there are any new weapons made, she shakes her head sadly and answers that it’s very difficult to get any material. I just nod in understanding. I hand her the food I had risked my life and home to get before walking slowly away, tired.

Later that night I hear screams and the feel of terror.  I look out and discover that everyone around me is dying from something they gave us. It hits me next and I fall to the floor unable to get up again. ‘It’s not fair’ I scream in my mind. I had tried so hard. I draw one small triumph from it all.  At least I didn’t die to the insult of “Gottcha! ...I hate bugs.”

The end

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