
This took me 10 mins and I put it up cause I actually might expand on it when I get the time and the inspiration


All around me is blackness. I don't dare make a light least my skin burns. My children are crying in fear, their skin won't fry, they wish for something I can't give them. A rumble night is coming, rushing. There is a flash that blows my dark green hair. I step outside, the ground is still warm but at least only the moons are in the sky.

       I tell my children to wait outside for me. They leap into the air and land on a near by rock. I relocate myself next to a large crater, black as coal. Them smell is not unpleasant but I shall feed later. I begin to climb the mountain, it is easy and I am at the top servaying my world in seconds.

       Now is the time for caution, daylight could come at any moment. I jump down into a hole. My eyes catch all the light, little that there is, and reflect it back into a small pool. I bath and drink the sweet stuff. A softer rumble I stop and look around. Most of my acquaintances have left the area for fresher grounds. I can never leave, never.

       I put my hand on the wall preparing to climb out. The moment I remove it there are small chips. They sting.

       My children are pleased to see me. We meet at the black crater and head down. Immediately we are shoved aside. I retaliate with just as much force. At least sinking my teeth into the ground. This will continue all through the night. Until they come. They hungry ones, they come when the sun blasts. They will devour anyone who is foolish enough to remain. I gaze up into the sky.

       When will I be found? When…

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