The Other Side

The figure sat at in a metal chair in front of a large screen. Its hands were clasped under its chin in thought. Its hair was short and as dark as night, slim figure and deep black eyes. A shadow came up behind it and leaned over the side of the chair.
“Is something wrong Six?” It asked. The woman smiled a little and turned around, “No 29,” her smile grew, “nothing is wrong.” Getting up she walked over to a map of the world.

She put her finger on South America, "I control South America now. That will expand after we pause to rearm while lulling the fools." She put her finger on Europe, "The Greens are delighted with my 'reforms' to preserve the Amazon. Their aid packages to help me consolodate my grip around the lungs of the world are quite welcome." She moved her finger to Africa, "The African nations squabble among themselves as their leaders attempt to emulate my feat here." She smiled with slight amusement at the thought of anyone attempting to equal her. She spread her hand and slid it over the Orient, "The easterners are consumed with hatred for the Americans, and so are begging for a mutual alliance. The Russians-" she put a finger on the north half of Asia, "-pine for the old days of the commisaars." She then glanced to her right, "North America. The prize. With North America in my hands, the world will fall." She put her finger on the narrow band of land joining the two Americas, "Panama. The canal Is like a landmine. A tripwire. What we do in Panama will decide how easy or hard the task will be."

Her brother looked at her, unsure if she was telling the truth. Her mouth went firm again: She gave him a little nod, turned on her heel and left the room. 29 sighed and followed a moment later, going off in a different direction from his sister. In the computer room he logged in.

Outside it was dark, just as Cybersix liked it. A night breeze came and played gently with her hair as she walked in the moonlight. Yes everything was fine she assured herself. The resistance would fall in due time. After that, it was just a matter of planing the right course of action in Panama, and she would control the world. Taking a breath, she leapt into the air with incredible ease and headed off in the general direction of the training area.
“Move it!” Jose’s voice echoed all over the compound. He looked up, startled, as Cybersix dropped soundlessly next to him. She gave him a bitter, sweet smile.
“Everyone is working hard I trust?” Jose noticeably paled at the sight of her.
“Uh…yes Cybersix,” he stammered as she looked critically around at the Fixed Ideas and Technos in the yard.
“Hmmm” anyone who knew Cybersix could tell that she was in a dangerous mood and should be treated with caution. Jose chose not to speak.
“I want to see a demonstration,” she said at last. Jose took a breath but called the Fixed Ideas and Technos together. He gave out the orders and they hopped to it, knowing just who was watching. A Techno and a Fixed Idea met in the center of the area. It was agility VS strength, always an interesting match up. The fight began without either really getting hurt. The Fixed Idea finally managed to get the Techno in a hold that it could not escape from. Cybersix’s facial features didn’t change in the least. She called for the fight to stop. The participants desisted immediately.

Cybersix paced in front of the Technos and Fixed Ideas lost in thought for a moment. Suddenly she struck out at the Techno who had been fighting. He fell to the ground in a pathetic heap. Cybersix then turned her attention to the rest of the group.

“Did you see that?” she questioned. They all nodded.

“That was unacceptable." She looked down at the unfortunate Techno, “Get up” she commanded. He had a little trouble getting up but did as he was told. She watched his efforts. “Pathetic” she said under her breath but loud enough for all to hear.

She addressed Jose, “Continue training until the sun rises.”

“Yes Cybersix!”

“Damn Von Richter! If I had my brothers and sisters I would not have to put up with this!”


“The resistance has risen up again.”
“The troops were able to stop them, of course, but a few got away.”
“Thank you.” The Type nodded and left.

Again the resistance. They were not a major threat but Cybersix was not going to take them lightly. Cyber29 came in then. The two of them seemed to have a telepathic bond: whenever one was feeling out of sorts the other would know.
“I know there is something wrong sister so don’t even try to hide it!” he told her.

Cybersix sighed but gave in, “The resistance has risen again, and I’m not sure yet how I’m going to handle it. I think I’m going to go to Meridianna myself.”
“If you are, then I’m going with you.”
“No, you should stay here.” she said, concern entering her voice.
“I’m going to go pack,” he smiled and slipped out of the room.

Cybersix groaned and put her head in her hands.

Cybersix’s head hit the top of the van again as she drove over the bump road. It had been a long trip already,
but luckily it was almost over. 29 was next to her, his expression serious: He had the same look in his eyes as a wild cat. Cybersix turned around a bend and Meridianna came into view. From this far back. it didn’t appear to have changed much since Cybersix had last been there. The angel statue still stood in the Town Square, and the buildings still reached for the sky as if trying to climb out of the city. Cybersix, however, turned away from it and headed into the woods.

Half an hour later, she stopped the truck and climbed out. Cyber29, Jose, 1 Type, 3 Technos and 10 Fixed Ideas followed her. That was the group she had chosen to help her bring down Meridianna from the inside. 29 had insisted on coming, and Cybersix knew that he would come anyway, no matter what she said, so she had given in. She had to roll her eyes: he was always looking out for her as if she needed it.

The gravel crunched under her feet as she walked toward the mansion in front of her. She pushed the gate open and walked inside, her troop close at her heels.

It had not been used in a while,but it would do in a pinch. She ordered the Fixed Ideas to start bring in the luggage she had had to bring.
“What a dump” Jose commented, “We’re actually going to live here?
“No, YOU'RE going to live here Jose,” she said. Then she changed her voice to sound sweet, “Now why don’t you run upstairs and pick out room like a good little boy?”

Jose scowled at her but went anyway, ordering the Type to follow him with his bags.

“Is Jose really the only one who will be staying here?” 29 asked her.

“Him and some Fixed Ideas will be setting up and looking after the equipment until I need it.” She answered. He raised an eyebrow, as if to ask ‘and what about me?’ Cybersix gave an exasperated sigh. As she and 29 started climbing the stairs and went into the first bedroom they saw.
“I had hoped I could talk you into going home, but since that doesn’t seem to be the case, you can help me at first, and
then you are coming back here.”
“Whatever you say,” he grinned.
“Get out of my sight!” she growled, holding back a chuckle.

When he was gone she got out of her leather pants and top. She opened her suitcase and pulled out a pair of baggy pants, shirt, tie, suspenders and a pair of glasses. After she had put them on, she made her hair flip up. When she was done she was Adrian Sidelman, the alias she used in Meridiana during the years she hid from and plotted against her creator. Closing her suitcase with a satisfied click, she went downstairs to see how things were going.

“No you idiots!” she yelled at the Fixed Ideas as they dropped a sustenance crate. Luckily, only 2 vials had broken, but that was enough to tip Cybersix over. She gave them each a slap after she had jumped from the top of the stairs.
“That’ll come out of your sustenance!” she told them, “Get this cleaned up!”
Cyber29 came in from where he had been setting up a rocket launcher to see what all the noise was about and stopped dead when he saw Cybersix: He had never seen her as Adrian before. He didn’t spend a lot of time in shock though. He picked up the crate easily and put it in the corner.
“Come on. We don’t need you murdering the little Fixed Ideas we have.”
“This way” she pulled him through to another room.
“I’m leaving tomorrow,” she held up a hand as he started to speak, “And yes, you’re coming. I need you to contact all the Types and Technos directly. Tell them I’m in the city, but don’t tell them as who though.” He nodded, “OK.”
“I’m going to go rest for a few hours” she told him.
“I’ll finish setting up.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek, “Goodnight sister.”
“Goodnight brother.”

End of Chapter 1


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