The Other Side Chapter 7
Panting slightly, Cybersix ran up to Lucas. She was a bit surprised that he had actually listened to her and not stared into
the eye. He seemed a bit shook up though. The eye could not leave Meridianna! This was quite a dangerous situation indeed, but how could she stop it? She could very well bring herself down from within by just letting that thing
drift close to her armies. She had an idea in the back of her head (she had already thought about what she would do if something went horribly wrong), but she would need a little help and a bit of good luck, which was something
that, unfortunately, didn’t follow her around very often of its own free will. “Lucas does the lab have anything that would freeze that thing?” she knew that it did, she had seen Lucas using something the other day in a
demonstration for his class. “Yeah” Lucas answered looking somewhat distracted, most likely trying to come up with his own plan to stop the eye. “Liquid nitrogen” She needn’t have worried about looking untrustworthy at the
moment. “You have to get me some!”
******* Some time later they could be seen weaving in and out of the spellbound Meridianna teenagers. They stopped when they reached “Adrian”, then sidestepped him. The techno did
a passable job she had to admit. It was now dark and neither turned on a light: it kind of reminded Cybersix of the tale of “Sleeping Beauty” and how everyone in the castle had fallen asleep. In the lounge, he opened a large
cabinet on the side and pulled out a sliver tank, presumably containing the liquid she was seeking. “Don’t touch it” he told her. She nodded. “Stay here where it’s safe” she told him. This was too big to worry about
appearances any more. She jumped out the window before he could protest. Even if he didn’t remain at the school, he shouldn’t be able to get too far.
******** Running across the buildings holding the tank, Cybersix
tried to get as close to the eye as she could. A tower was coming into view: she climbed it and took a final leap from the top of it, grabbing onto the eye. It had a million strings that dangled from it, thick as ropes. This
hadn’t been exactly what she wanted but it would have to do. The eye was falling asleep. As it drifted toward another tower Cybersix let go of the ribbon that was holding her and used the tower to get another shot at the
eye. This time it was a bull’s eye as she gracefully landed on top of the eye. Better yet, the thing didn’t seem to notice her company.
She carefully unscrewed the cap on the tank and began to pour it on the skin of the
eye, bouncing around the crown to spread it more quickly. It reared up suddenly, reacting much faster then she thought it would in its muddled state. She tumbled off and fell from the dizzying height the eye had been floating
at. She landed hard on her side. She just lay there for a second, trying to catch her breath. The tank had landed nearby: Its insides spilled everywhere, forcing her to roll a little to avoid the contents. Cybersix looked up at
the eye as it flung around in a fit of rage and pain. She saw that she had managed to dump the first quarter of the tank on it so there was at least one reason to feel triumphant in it after all.
A few seconds later she
was back in the air trying to get near it again. Now that it was wounded and obviously occupied she could try to do some damage. She leapt off of an apartment building and rammed into the eye, her elbow out first and her body
tight. She didn’t go through it as she had dared to have hoped but she did do some significant damage. The thing crashed into a tall building close to the angel statue. Cybersix got an unexpected feeling of loss: the angel
statue must not be destroyed! She didn’t know why, but it just shouldn’t. She was falling again, but this time the eye was joining her for the short journey to the Earth.
********* She coughed a little pitifully and
tried to get up. Her head encountered some rubble before she could pull herself completely upright. For a moment she thought about just giving up, but then she pushed that idea aside and planted her palms above her head and
pushed with all her might. The rubble shook a little but didn’t yield. She took a dust filled breath and tried again. This time, the rubble gave way easily. Much too easily.
Cyber29’s face greeted her as she climbed out.
“Thought you could use a little help” she didn’t know whether to kill him or kiss him: both seemed pretty appealing at the moment. “Maybe a little” she sighed. He held up a small device that Cybersix knew too well.
“Let’s do it,” he said. Cybersix reached over and took the object from his hand. Once again she hadn’t wanted to bring these out until later but as they say “desperate times call for desperate measures”.
******* The
eye had slowed down considerably, the ice spot on it seemed to be numb. In fact, it wasn't even really moving, just bobbing pathetically in place, attempting to get back in the air. They both decided that the ice patch would be
the perfect spot to plant the end to this nuisance. A little longer though and Cybersix doubted they would need to do anything to stop it.
Both latched onto the side, 29 tossed her the sustenance explosive. They were neat little things, able to make quite a bang and were pocket sized. Cybersix
stuck it on the eye and they both jumped off simultaneously. The eye blew up seconds later in a burst of laser-like blue light. It was beautiful in its own way. What was left of the light broke up and fell back to the city like
streamers to their original owners. A few shops and the surrounding buildings had suffered a bit of damage, but that was fine. The worst case was the building into which the eye had crashed when Cybersix poured her instant ice
on it. After a look from Cybersix, 29 took his leave with a reassuring smile and a, “I'd better get a pay raise for this”. She waved her hand to his back and told him not to hope for too much. She turned back to the school,
tired and wanting nothing more then to go to bed.