HHazel Chapter 1 "A Night On the Town"
"Here is my last try" a
thick voice announced. He was referring to a being floating in a tube of green. "Her name will be Velvet 10" the voice continued. The voice belonged
to Von R, as he was saying this a Fixed Idea tripped on a cable. Suddenly the tank exploded with color red, black, gold, green and blue. The being shrieked only once, then was completely still. Von R had her taken out immediately thinking her dead. The Fixed Idea was left taken to the lab were new sustenances were experimented with. It was while she was being carried away that she showed any signs of life.
Von R had her tested and said that she would not be as strong or as fast as the cybers. It seemed that after they were born he was always comparing his new creations to them. He decided to keep Velvet 10 as a maid and back up defense. He had her trained in the martial arts as well as domestic
jobs. The head cook named her Hazel because she had an air of mystery around her.
Hazel was beautiful but her beauty was odd. It was like she almost wasn't there, a mirage. That at any moment she
would disappear. She seemed to glide from one place to the other in a rather graceful manner. She
had dark black hair that was her glory. It was very thick and came to her shoulders in a wavy whip, surrounding her face. Even at 4 years old a nice figure, long arms and legs. On her right ankle was the words Velvet 10. Her eyes were very different and people often didn't believe it until they saw her for themselves. One eye was red while the other was such a dark brown that it looked almost black. Hazel didn't know, till she was 5, that not everyone saw colors around people. Hazel could see auras and know what people were feeling. She could also see when people were sick or hurt. Sometimes she could see important things from the past. If the aura had a hole or had a bump she would know something happened that person never got over. She also felt energy although electrical energy had little or no effect to on her. The energy she felt would best be described as life force. She told no one of her powers for she was afraid of Von R.
Her fear of Von R kept growing more and more.
She saw how he treated his creations. She knew that to see what a person was like, just look to see how they treat the people below them, not their equals. She didn't trust him and ran away at ten. She was sent to foster homes but didn't stay longer then 3 days.
6 years later
*RRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGG* the alarm kept blaring. Hazel grabbed as much
cash as she could and looked around. The bank she was robbing was empty. She had let the few people there leave for she knew she would be gone before the cops arrived.
"Having a night on
the town?" a voice echoed around her. Hazel tensed and stood stone still.
Hazel felt her before she saw
her. The energy coming from her was powerful. Just then a woman burst in through the side office window. She was dressed in black leather pants and a tube top. She had black hair cut to her shoulders. She also had a belt with little containers but what was in them was a mystery.
Putting on a mockingly innocent face. "What ever did you get that idea?" Hazel
quickly and calmly retorted. After grabbing as much money as she could in another final attempt, she ran out back and jumped onto the nearest roof. The chase was on.
The woman shouted out
something like "6". Not
stopping to question Hazel ran on. Soon she heard and felt another woman behind her. Taking a quick look back she saw she was wearing a black leather suit, a cape and a gangster hat. Her hair was cut short but fit her perfectly. Hazel knew she was not human and her aura was unlike anything she had ever seen. The other woman soon fell in behind her. It was obvious that they would soon catch up if Hazel did nothing. She was however spared concocting a miracle. The one in the tube top took something out of her belt.
"Bitch! Lets see you take this!" Before the other could say anything threw it at Hazel. All she heard was "24 don't!" before the thing landed in front of her. It was a stick
of dynamite. Without even thinking she kicked it into the ally below. Then after it
blew up, joined it quickly after. Using the wall smashed down to a door. Then hurried out the back circling behind her 2 pre suers.
against a wall. Hazel had to think fast. She knew they would soon be on her tail again. Normally she would find out who "they" were. But she doubted she could take them both. She also didn't think she could just walk up to them and say "Yo what's up?" No for the time being she would hide but where? A thin smile formed on her lips. Why she would hide in the last place they would expect to find her. She would put new meaning to "the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime."
She would go rob another bank.
her get away for the second time that night. Hazel was running aimlessly through a maze of alleys when she ran right into a gang. The leader approached. She had bright red hair oddly styled. The guys fell in behind her. One look at their auras told her these people were nothing she couldn't handle. As the girl came closer Hazel decided what to do. Around the leader was a faint outline of color for a human of great energy.
"Who are you?" the girl demanded. "Tell me your name and don't say a word about me and I'll give you a 100 bucks." Hazel held up a 100-dollar bill to prove her point.
    "Lori" the girl said and held out her hand. Hazel put the bill in it and kept walking. No one followed her.
After finding a shady hotel,
she got a room. She worried about the amount of time she slept. She knew that even people here would notice if the "do not disturb" sign were left on the door for a week. She could be awakened when asleep but not easily. In a tight ball she shivered slightly though not from cold. She would need sustenance soon. Feeling her heartbeat slowing down she knew it would not be long until it stopped altogether. The thought of waking up buried alive in a coffin sent a chill down her spine but she knew she would have to sleep or she would be too drained to do anything. At last she was thrown into darkness where there were no dreams.
Waking up cold and stiff, night had
already fallen. Hazel groaned and rolled over. She was more drained than she thought. Checking her watch she saw she had slept away two days, not bad. She would go over to the school to do her research. She laughed a little at the thought of any students breaking into school.
The building looked dark and deserted. Moving like a shadow Hazel jumped in a window. Making her way through the halls to the science lab.
She was in there only a
minute when the door was thrown open and the light turned on. A man stood in the doorway. He looked to be in his 40s but it was hard to say. A quick glance at his aura told her he was strong willed and well she wasn't sure exactly what else. Whatever it was if she had not had a one-track mind that night she would have liked to have, found out what else.
"What are you doing in here young lady?" he spoke forcefully but didn't yell. Hazel knew she couldn't
lie her way out of this one. She also didn't want to fight him, she knew he would not back down from her.
She thought it would be best to run. Not that she was a coward, but she had long
ago learned to pick and chose her battles. He, to her surprise, chased after her. She immediately felt trapped
and that made her want to fight. Quickly she turned around and aimed a kick at his face. Then before she knew it she was in the hall on the ground. She couldn't believe it, this old guy. He was coming at her with a knife, a ski mask pulled over his head. Something then sparked inside her something from her past and she was on her feet.
"Wave suit on" he said, "battle mode." Now Hazel wasn't sure at all about what was going on when she saw the ski mask change color. Obviously this guy was more then he
seemed. But then she thought why should that surprise her, she was more then she appeared to. He seemed to know that. He took a swipe at her with his knife. She easily avoided it and landed
roundhouse, which stopped the moment it touched his clothes. His aura was way off and she couldn't read it, some outside energy was interfering. Now curiosity was becoming stronger then her need to get away.
please!" she held up her hands in a sign of surrender. Even if that meant nothing to her she knew it would fool most humans. He stopped advancing on her but kept his knife up. He walked slowly toward her. She slowly got to her feet and put her hands at her sides.
"Who are you?" he asked, knife still
raised. Hazel thinks for a second, wishing she could read his aura. It was starting to make her feel a little helpless. As for the question she decides to tell the truth. "Hazel"
"What are you doing in here?" his face, covered with the mask, is unreadable. His voice shows no sign of what he feels or thinks. "Research" she answered.
The eyes narrowed, "What kind of research?" Hazel spreads her legs apart and moves her weight to the ball of her foot, so she can move quickly in either direction.
Shrugging her shoulders "I don't believe I have to answer that". She is not afraid of what he will do if she doesn't. She does notice thought he is trying to back her against a wall.
"This is a city school, and that
lab you were in was my responsibility." He replied, still edging her toward the wall, "I wouldn't like to come in the morning and find that everything had been messed up for my 8:00 Physics lab class."
Hazel sighed deeply. She knew they would get nowhere if both had their guards up. What she really wanted was for him to turn off whatever that thing was. Then she would have the advantage.
"I don't think those are allowed on school property," she said
pointing to his knife. "How about I say I'm sorry, you put the knife away and we forget the whole thing." Just turn that damn thing off she thought. His eyes flicked to the knife briefly, then
seemed to twinkle when they focussed back on her, "Good point. But don't come back. I've got a friend who can track you down if I find anything amiss."
He backed away toward the lab door.
Unfortunately, she still couldn't see his aura. Damned cautious this guy was. Curiosity was once again ruling out common sense. "I'm not worried
about your friend." Hazel stated. Standing at a safe distance she fixed him with a stare. It was then he noticed her eye colors. "May I ask you a question?" Hazel said in her most
innocent voice. He started again and blinked. Two surprises in a few seconds seemed a bit much to him, "Well, it depends. What's your question?" "I like to see a person's face when I
talk to him, if you wouldn't mind" she said in what she hoped was an offhand tone. He looked startled, chuckled, then pulled the ski mask back. She saw the aura
around his head, but not the rest of his body. Hazel smiled a little to herself. "Well seeing how you asked me what I'm doing here I think
it's only fair if I ask you the same." She watched him closely he was looking at her in a way that was making her uncomfortable. She felt a cramp begin in her leg. His eyes shifted focus slightly, "I'm Dr. Anthony Zacharias. I'm the Physics and Math teacher here at the high school, and that was my physics lab you'd broken into. I'd forgotten a magazine I'd wanted to read, and had come back to get it." She nodded; she would remember that name. He was still looking at her in that way. She had to fight the urge to say "What?!" She managed to remain silent. He seemed to think for a moment, then came to a decision after sighing, "Well, It seems to me you could need something to drink and eat. There's a cafe down the street. Let me get my magazine, and we can get a bite there to eat. That is, if you're still here."
Hazel thought for moment, she did want to go and it was unlikely she could do her research tonight anyway. She put her back to the wall and waited for him to get his magazine.
End of Chapter 1
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