Chapter 2 "Trump Card"
Hazel followed Dr. Zack out on to the street. She didn't say anything. She was too busy thinking of what and how she was going to ask Dr. Zack her questions. It really was a beautiful night, the stars were out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The moon was full with a nice warm wind. Suddenly, as she was walking, a pain shot through her leg, making her stumble. Dr. Zack caught her by her arm, "Are you okay?" he asked her.
"I'm fine," Hazel answered regaining her composure. She wanted to hurry to the cafe so she could sit down. She thought that after she talked to Dr. Zack she would head to the airport and open her safety box.
Inside she had two vials of sustenance a scary low.
Dr. Zack looked a bit worried; "It's a fair walk. We could go to McDonald's, or I can get us a taxi." Hazel seriously considered the offer for a moment but didn't like the idea of being in a cab. She took another step and saw she wasn't going to make it to the cafe.
"Maybe we should just go to McDonald's," she said finally."It's right around the corner." He pointed.
They didn't arrive a moment too soon for Hazel. She ordered a large fry, a Flurry and a Pepsi. Dr. Zack ordered a Chicken Salad and a Sprite. She hobbled to the back corner while he paid for the order, waited for it, and brought it to her. Hazel looked up gratefully as Dr. Zack walked up to her. She immediately grabbed her drink not realizing before how thirsty she was. After thinking for a moment then started her interigation.
"May I ask why you're nervous?" she questioned. Dr. Zack smiled, "Am I that obvious? I suppose it may have something to do with having dinner with a woman who's a third my age.
The last time I did that..." His eyes flickered to look over her shoulder, as if looking at some distant memory, but didn't finish the sentence.
Now Hazel smiled. "Oh I wasn't talking about that. What I mean is why are you so nervous in general? As for you being uncomfortable around me, rest assured that in my mind we have worked out our differences". She meant what she said, for she had already labeled Dr. Zack as a friend. She often went in and out of friendships quickly.
Dr. Zack grinned a bit too broadly, "Actually, I am a world-famous Physicist, specializing in Quantum Mechanics, who stumbled onto revolutionary energy manipulation technology, and thus lives in fear of his life as a lowly high school teacher hiding from oil company mercenaries and fanatical terrorists from islamic countries bent on maintaining their lucrative monopolies."
Hazel looked at him for a moment he was telling the truth. "I see" was all she could say to that; it wasn't really her area. It was interesting though and she may check it out later.
"Would all this have to do with your ski mask thingy". That would be the technical term she thought to herself.
Dr. Zack looked startled, as if his bluff had been called in a game of cards. He glanced around, checking to see who might be listening, then leaned forward and repeated quietly, "Revolutionary energy manipulation technology."
Hazel opened her mouth to say something but never got it out. Another spam shot up her leg and she went a little limp. She gritted her teeth and concentrated, it passed.
He noted her reaction and sighed, "Speaking of energy, you probably could use this." He said very quietly, so that no one could overhear him.
From inside his coat pocket, Dr. Zack pulled out a vial of sustenance and held it out to her, it's green glow shining through his fingers.
As Hazel stared at the vial, questions started running through her head. What was a human doing with sustenance? How did he know she needed it? Where did he get it? Does he work with Von R? She gave herself a little shake. Like it or not she needed it. She reached out and took the vail. Drinking it down she felt the energy begin flowing through her.
"Thanks, how did you know?" He was about to answer, but his attention was drawn to something to her right. Hazel turned and saw that one of the McDonald's employees was staring at them.
Dr. Zack grinned, "Just a taste test for a new soda pop idea I got!" he said to the employee, "Gotta make sure it appeals to the target audience!" He turned to Hazel, "What do you think it needs?" he asked her.
Hazel looked over at Dr. Zack "I think it's a little strong," she said then winked. "Maybe add a little more sugar and the kids' ll love it this Halloween".
"Now THAT'S an angle I didn't think about!" Dr. Zack enthused, "I could push the safety aspect too!"
The employee smiled, rolled her eyes, finished wiping up the tables in the back, and walked back into the kitchen area. Dr. Zack leaned forward toward Hazel; "I'd rather keep the "how" to myself for now.
Suffice it to say I can tell you run on sustenance, and I surmise your "research" may have something to do with it. It's fabrication is a puzzle I'd like to solve, for some good reasons, and could use some insights
from someone who used to be associated with the original discoverer."
"I don't have any information on it I'm afraid" Hazel said after a minute of hesitation. This was a bit of a lie but she thought it was all right. She looked out the window the sun would rising soon. Sighing she started dipping her fries in her Flurry.
There was now no point in going to the airport so Hazel had a little run before the sun came up. She had found that she thought better when she was moving it was like while her consious mind was busy her subconcious mind could solve anything. She would like to keep an eye on the doctor if he knew about sustenance even if he was a friend.
The easiest way to do that would be to go to Meridiana High School. She argued with herself for a while about this but in the end thought that it was the best move. Besides, it wouldn't hurt her to have a bit more schooling. At the same time she was a bit unnerved from her brief talk with Dr. Zack. It had awakened a few old memories: Memories she wished she didn't have.
After running away from Von R she didn't really know what to do. She had skills but was still only ten years old. What happened next turned out to be a curse and a blessing. It started in
a busy subway station. She was hiding just outside a crowd of people trying to cut in with a family so she could get a free ride. Otherwise she would have to walk or wait until the cover of night to jump onto a train. She was
lost in thought, which is why she didn't see him at first. He was just suddenly beside her. She felt something cold on her side.
"Don't scream and just walk with me," he said. All she could gather from his aura was that he could not to be trusted. However, she didn't think his main purpose was to harm her. Hazel didn't know what to do. She had never been outside Von R's lab before but still she knew not to show her "powers" in front of humans. She decided to go with him. He walked down the tunnels and out into the street. They made so many turns Hazel was soon lost. When he at last stopped they were in front of an apartment building. The cold thing was still at her side and she thought it wise not to ask questions. He led her inside and told her to wait in the corner. She did as she was told and looked on at the 6 men in the room. She didn't like the looks or auras of any of them; all had killed at least once. She wondered if she could fight them and win. After careful concideration she decided they were full-grown men and a few in good shape. Her being anything special wouldn't tip the sides much, not that it wouldn't be worth a try.
"Come here little girl," said a man who looked to be about 25, a heavy drinker. She smiled at him and went over. He took her hand; she gave him a hard squeeze. He looked down at her in surprise.
"What's your name?" he crouched down as he said this. "Hazel"
"What's your last name Hazel?" he asked in what he must have thought was a gentle voice. "I don't have one"
"What are your parents's names?" he asked slightly annoyed
"I haven't got any" she told him, with no emotion in her face. She gave him a hard stare that made him visibly uncomfortable. He saw her eyes and didn't like them at all. He went back with his partners and they talked some more. Finally, he came over to her again. She had a feeling they were being easy on her because she was a girl.
"Would you like to play a game?" he questioned. Hazel cocked her head to the side to show she was listening.
"I'm going to walk around the room", he said, "and you're going to follow me". He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet; he showed it to her, then put it back in his pocket. "I want you
to try to get it out of my pocket without me knowing. If you do, you win. Sound like fun?" Hazel put on a small knowing smile but said nothing. As he got up she followed him and walked around behind him. With in seconds
she had located the wallet and had it in her hands. He didn't feel a thing. When she showed him, he was impressed. They did this a few more times until they told her to go to bed. She thought this funny, but went anyway.
She soon became very good at pick pocketing and liked the challenge. She stayed with these people because she had nowhere else to go. She learned how to make good deals, learned to use her power to see where people were weak and hit them there. As the years went by she started doing more than just picking pockets, and started working with several criminals. She was smarter than she should be but had only learned to read, write and do math. She was more or less street smart. She ventured to ripping off cars, robbing stores, and doing deals with different gangs. Of course she got into fights, but soon not many had the guts to challenge her.
She had been cornered by the police a few times, and let them take her in, not wanting to appear as being anything more than she appeared. She was sent to foster homes, not staying more then three days. She also served one year in a detention center. By that time she had discovered the payoffs and was incredibly patient. After she was through, she made sure there was no record of her at all. She got all the right contacts and with a little of her own dirty work it was easy. She started working on her own more and more, and soon preferred to be alone. After the supply of sustenance she had taken with her ran out, she started hunting Fixed Ideas, Technos and Types for sustenance, eventually making her way to Meridiana.
One thing she was proud of is that she never hurt an innocent person, and had never killed a human.
Hazel went to her first class and sat down in the back. A few guys with no girlfriends in the area to speak to looked over at her. She was using the name Hazel Smith. She had chosen to wear tight, dark blue jeans, a black top with long sleeves and a red vest.
She couldn't believe she had talked herself into this. The day had been dull and hard. Her teachers were OK but her classmates were starting to get to her.
The teacher came in and started class. He had dark black hair and his aura was... Wait a minute! Hazel couldn't help but stare for a second; there must be some mistake.
No. There was no mistake; her male literature teacher was one of the chicks that had chased her the other night! Of this she was sure. Oh,this is good! This is very, very good! Ideas started getting jammed in her head, so quickly did they present themselves for consideration.
In the front row Hazel noticed the girl she had met in the alley, Lori. She was making puppy eyes at her teacher, Adrian Seidelman. Hazel couldn't stop herself; she burst out laughing when Lori was sent out of the room. She got some funny looks but that was OK.
At the end of the day she followed her serious-looking literature teacher to what looked like a cafe. Mr. Seidelman waved and walked over to a man with messy blonde hair. Hazel recognized him as her biology teacher, Lucas Amato. She chose a table not far away and listened in. For a while they didn't talk about anything interesting, it was hockey season; Mr. Seidelman's aura was behaving strangely though. She went to the washroom to laugh a little to herself when it looked like love; school sure wasn't going to be as boring as she had first thought.
Soon Mr. Seidelman was on the move again; she followed a few minutes later. It was getting dark so Hazel decided it was safe to start jumping. She tailed Mr. Seidelman to his apartment. She waited outside for several
minutes, waiting, until the woman in the cape jumped out the window. Hiding behind the chimneys of some factories, Hazel followed the woman until she reached another apartment.
The woman stopped on a rooftop. Hazel hid behind a chimney and peered around the edge.
The woman seemed hesitant, looking for a long time at a window of an apartment building across the street. The light coming from within the apartment was a mix of yellow and moving whites and greens.
Her aura reflected uncertainty and was that a touch of fear? No, it was anxiety.
She inhaled, then leaped across to the other building, landing on the ledge. Hazel quickly went to a near by spot, staying low.
The woman walked along the ledge to the window, held her hand out, seemed to hesitate, then rapped lightly on it.
The window opened to reveal Lucas Amato. Wasn't she just eating with him? So she must not know her secret. "Cybersix!" What an odd name. Well who am I to talk, Velvet ten.
"Good evening, Lucas!" She bobbed her head to look inside, "Are you busy? Should I come back later?" "Uhh! No! No! Come on in!"
Cybersix entered the apartment. Hazel turned so she had a clear view of the inside of the apartment then let her incredible sense of hearing wonder.
"Is there anything wrong?"
"No. Should there be?" She asked, flicking her cape aside as she slid into a chair. Hazel marvelled: her body language seemed so calm and nonchalant, while her aura screamed of tension. It was almost funny.
"Well, when you come by, it's usually because there's trouble."
"Oh?" touch of embarrassment, then a small, low, feminine laugh, "I suppose so. Life has its ups and downs, so they say."
"And yours is up right now, lots of sustenance?" "For the moment, yes." Pause, "Could you tell me why do you guys like that stuff?"
"Soccer? Oh, uh, well, ah…"
Soft laugh. Hazel could see the tension was dissolving, and there was a hint of enjoyment about the edges of the rapidly calming aura, "Ohh! Don't bother! I can see I came at an inconvenient time. I'll check the soccer schedule next time I decide to pop in unannounced!" She got up.
Hazel retreated, leaped back across the street, and watched as Cybersix walked to the window, letting her eyes fix on his as she walked past. Hazel suppressed a laugh: One didn't need to see his aura to tell that the guy was totally besotted with her. For her part, Cybersix's aura looked something like Von R's after an experiment went unusually well, and the man was delighted with the outcome. Speaking of Von R she thought I better not let myself forget the task at hand and why I'm here.
"Good night Lucas." "Ahh, Good night, Cybersix! Hurry back!"
"Oh, I will!" She glanced at the TV, "I might bring chips next time."
Hazel scrambled to hide behind a chimney as Cybersix leaped across to the roof she was on.
Hazel had heard all she needed to hear, Fixed Ideas meant sustenance. That meant Cybersix was made by Von R, but who was that other woman? She shook her head. One thing at a time, she told herself. Deal with this potential opportunity first.
She sped off into the night and found a nice tall tower where no one could sneak up on her. As the wind ruffled her hair she let her mind wander. Now she could think this out...
One, Hazel thought, my male literature teacher is a female. A female who chased me, so I don't think I would have liked it if she had caught me. Two she has three friends that I know of: one is not dangerous, a human, the other two I only know their names and that one I know has at least my strength and speed.
Three I know something very private about her. And that, Hazel concluded. was the most important thing of all. Having made a decision, Hazel got up and made a beeline for her hotel.
*three days later*
Hazel was sitting in the desk chair when Cybersix returned to her apartment. Hazel had kept a good distance the last few days but had discovered that Data 7 was a big Black Panther, who Cybersix had called brother. Well, Hazel had thought, if came from Von R, then I guess anything's possible.
"Good evening Mr. Seidelman or do you go by Cybersix?" Cybersix wheeled around to face Hazel.
"Who are you?" she asked in a sharp tone. "That's popular question around here," Hazel said coming out of the shadows.
"I know you" Cybersix said. "Yes you do' Hazel mildly answered, "I'm in your class!"
"What do you want?" Cybersix took on a business-like tone. Hazel smiled and walked over to the nightstand, taking her time. "I want what you want," she answered finally.
"Oh and what is it I want?" Cybersix said, probably knowing the answer. "You want me to keep your secret. And I will. For a price."
Cybersix raised her eyebrow in response.
"Sustenance. 2 vials every 10 days. I don't think that's too much to ask." Hazel looked Cybersix over carefully, wondering what she would do. She was angry even if her face didn't show it. She was also afraid. Hazel held her breath: if there was going to be a fight between them, Hazel would lose or barely get away. It was her hope that Cybersix didn't know that and wouldn't want to risk Hazel vanishing with such knowledge.
After a moment Cybersix said "OK," but in a tone saying you haven't won yet. Hazel chose to ignore this.
"Wise choice. We wouldn't want Lucas to find out his best friend is his freaky hooker now would we?" She knew she was being cruel but had to make her point clear. She also knew she was pushing it. Cybersix's aura was flaring with fury, but fear was evident also. Hazel secretly admired the way she kept it from showingin on her face. Hmm, on second thought, maybe she shouldn't have made the hooker crack. Hazel quickly decided that she wasn't in much immediate danger, though, because she had the trump card, and there was nothing Cybersix could do about it.
"Meet me at the harbor in 10 days with the sustenance at 1:00 AM. Also, as I'm sure you have guessed, come alone. Good night Cybersix."
With that, Hazel jumped out the window and disappeared into the darkness.
End of chapter 2