Chapter 3 "It's a Matter of Time"

Hazel ran through the darkness back to her hotel. When she got there and looked at her room and its poor defenses, she decided to find a better residence. Checking out she made her way to a more upscale hotel downtown, got a room, rented a suit, and went done to the pool area. The smell of clorine hit her hard, so she went over to the hot tub and sat down. It relaxed her so much; she felt she could now think of her next move. She was not so stupid to think this would last long, and knew she would be back out hunting Fixed Ideas and just getting off. She also had to worry about Cybersix's friends. Speaking of friends, she had a feeling that Dr. Zack would not approve of this. She made a note to talk to him soon. She stayed in the tub for about half an hour before thinking it would not be good to let herself fall asleep in it. Climbing out, she made it back to her room and collapsed on the bed. She was out in a matter of minutes.

Opening her eyes, sunlight was pouring in the window. Looking at her clock Hazel saw it was 11:00am, oh great school. If she hurried she could make it there by lunch. Lunch! She felt a groan from somewhere around her middle. Well, maybe she could stop for a quick snack.

At school things weren't going too bad. She got detention but didn't really care and doubted she would show up. Literature class was interesting. Cybersix was being very cool toward her but at same time acting indifferent. Her aura was a mass of stress, fear and anger. Hazel smiled to herself, feeling sorry she was going to miss the encounter with Lucas. He didn't strike her as being quick on the uptake.

About three days before the sustenance was due, Hazel started getting edgy herself. What if Cybersix brought someone with her? What if she didn't show up at all? No, she would. Hazel knew from her aura she would. Besides, Hazel hadn't been bluffing that she would tell everyone. She threw on her black leather pants and tank top. She looked out at the gathering clouds, took a breath, and was out, daring gravity to make a claim on her.

Once she got into an older part of town, Hazel looked down and saw a little boy running with Fixed Ideas. Fixed Ideas?? She quickly and quietly tracked them, but prudently put some distance between them. The boy stopped at a corner and searched the sky. He had a mean spirit; she saw and was quick to anger. He had little mercy, but she felt quite certain she would win in a match of wits.

He kept going until he reached a mansion, where he then started ordering the Fixed Ideas about. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to bring one or two down for the count in case something went wrong with Cybersix. Hazel counted 10 Fixed Ideas. After doing some fast calculations, she came to the conclusion that trying to take out one or two could be suicidal for her if she was seen.

The little boy went into the building so much like a General, that Hazel wanted to laugh. Sneaking a look inside the windows, she had a good view of what was going on inside.

"Do you have a new plan yet Jose?"

Hazel took in a quick breath of air. It was Von R! Not that she hadn't guessed this boy was with him, but it was still a shock to see him.

"No not yet father" Jose said, almost begging. Yet he wasn't really afraid, odd.

"What am I going to do with you Jose? I must have Cybersix back soon. The longer she stays away the more she will fight" Hazel bit her lip. Perfect, she thought, just perfect. Another threat to the sustenance gravy train.

"I will have a new plan by tomorrow" Jose promised.

"You'd better" the screen said before it went blank. Jose threw a brief tantrum, then stomped off to his desk and started typing on his computer.

The door opened and a woman with shoulder length blonde hair walked in. Her aura was hard to read, and Hazel thought she saw a bit of evilness, but she gave up trying: It was just too weird. The girl gave Jose what Hazel took as an evil smile.
"Father not happy?" she asked in a casual voice.
"Shut up and get out of here!" was all the boy would say. "Another desperate individual," was Hazel's last thought before vanishing.

She had to think again: She seemed to be finding herself doing that a lot lately. The stakes were high, for it was either Cybersix or her, plain and simple. She was most likely to get killed or have to leave town in the situation with Cybersix, but they were on the same side. No, let that rest for a moment and consider Jose now.

She played the scene again in her head. Why wasn't Jose scared of Von R? Well, yes, there was a little fear, but not as much as would be expected. Well, it wasn't because Von R was an understanding and caring person. Hazel knew she had been shaken by seeing her creator. See it logically, she told herself to regain her focus. What does Von R have to chain us to him? Sustenance. Maybe Jose knows how to make substenance, or knows how to free himself of it, or doesn't even need it. So let's say, just for the sake of argument, he could break away any time and know he'd never have to look back. He would then have little to fear. Yet it seemed to her, from his brief tantrum, he wanted to prove himself to be better then is creator. Hazel made a mental note to check up on him every now and again to be on the safe side.
       Back to my problem with Cybersix, Hazel thought. Well there is no problem yet. Really, everything is just peachy. And if she had anything to say about it, it would stay that way.


Two days before it was zero hour. Hazel was starting to get that calming feeling she got just before a climax. She would feel trouble coming and just before it hit her body would relax and take a mind of it's own. In the past this has served her well and on more then one occasion kept her from panicking. She would have to use one of her vials from her safe box tonight though. She wanted her strength up, just in case...

On her way back from the airport with the precious liquid in her veins, Hazel saw what looked like some sort of explosion go off. Quickly, and without much conscious thought, she changed her course to get closer. Suddenly, shadows exploded all at once around her. She saw a black blur fighting Fixed Ideas left and right. Taking a breath, Hazel concentrated.

It was Cybersix! Before anyone who mattered saw her, Hazel ducked into an alley, noting the odds in the fight. 15 Fixed Ideas were just out of her league.

Then there were 2 black blurs flying all over the place. "Oh shit!" Hazel thought as the woman she had seen at the bank came into view. "Not her again!" she groaned.

She quickly regained her self control, "Stay cool," Hazel told herself, "Remember, you have an advantage."

Between the two of them they made short work of the Fixed Ideas, with the majority deciding to leave the scene of battle. Quickly.

Cybersix and the woman began collecting the vials: Hazel counted five. Cybersix was breathing a bit deeply. The woman looked over at her but said nothing. Hazel thought it must be stress. She got ready to jump onto the roof when, without warning, the woman leapt at Hazel.
"Who the hell are you?" she said after pinning Hazel to the wall.
"Damn!" Hazel thought, "She's fast!" She put up a halfhearted struggle, then gave up and decided to play her trump card, "Ask Cybersix" Hazel said in a calm voice, "She'll tell you. But if she doesn't want to..." Hazel carefully let her voice trail off. The woman looked at Cybersix, unsure of what to do.
"Let her go 24" She finally said. 24 looked doubtful for a second until Cybersix fixed her with a hard look. Shrugging, 24 pushed Hazel into the wall a little before letting go.

"Whatever" she said. Hazel could tell that 24 knew that she and Cybersix weren't the best of friends. Now that she had time, Hazel had a look at 24, who she had decided was most likely Cyber24. She had a strong will and had an overwhelming personality.

Hazel turned her attention back to Cybersix, "Glad to see you're stocking up," she said idly.

Cybersix gave her a very cold look. Hazel just turned and started walking nonchalantly down the street.
Hazel turned up very early at the harbor the night the sustenance was due. She scanned the area and didn't see anyone. She waited for an hour and a half before Cybersix made an appearance. Hazel made sure she was alone before jumping down near her.
"Did you bring it?" Hazel asked in a very business like tone. Cybersix took out two vials of glowing sustenance from her collar pocket, lighting up both their faces. They were the only light source around, not that it mattered.
"Here," she said in a harsh voice, "Enjoy!"
Hazel smiled for Cybersix's benefit, "Oh, I will. Same place same time in ten days". It wasn't a question. It was a command. Hazel jumped up into the air and jumped off in a fashion that covered in the blackness.

Neither Cybersix nor Hazel saw the glowing, black eyes of Cyber 24.

       End of Chapter 3

