Chapter 4 “Cause and Effect”

       Hazel was actually shaking as she ran across Meridiana, such was her excitement. She suddenly stopped dead in the middle of a jump and just made it to the other side. She wondered what day it was today. She panicked a bit inside and did a brief memory search. After looking down at the street below, she
gracefully joined the humans bellow her.

       She hadn’t walked far when she came to the place she was looking for: A little out of the way computer shop. She figured it would be too much to hope that the security system could be turned off from the outside. Sighing she headed round back. A few minutes later the power had been turned off and Hazel was
inside the store. Acting much like any normal customer would she picked out a lab top and even considered leaving some money on the counter for the fun of it
along with anote saying they needed better hours. She was out and gone as quickly as she had come.

       A few streets away Hazel plugged her new lab top into a phone booth and was accessing the Internet. She found the site she was looking for with expert ease. Logged in. A small smile found it’s way onto her face as the information she was seeking came up. She quietly and carefully folded up the lab top and
sped off for her hotel, her mind at some peace.

       Beep, beep, beep, SLAM. Why do I even set that, Hazel wondered, as she rolled over in bed. She had gotten to sleep very late and had really only stared blankly into the dark around her. Groaning and whining to herself, she crawled out of bed and into some clothes.

       Later in the day before lunch. Hazel walked just behind Mr. Seidelman, who did not seem to be aware of her presence. If he did, he didn’t acknowledge her presence. Hazel had decided that it was a good point to give Cybersix a friendly reminder of just what was at sake between sustenance deliveries.
She waited patiently until she heard what could only be Lucas. Wiping a smile off her lips Hazel ran up to them.

       “Cy-Mr. Sidelman!” she pointedly called. Cybersix’s head shot up. Lucas seemed to think he had heard wrong.
       “I just wanted to give you my Book Report early” she continued, as if nothing had happened.
       “Thank-you” Cybersix said. She appeared to have gotten the intended message, but just in case, Hazel had already wrtten a little note in the otherwise blank book restating the agreed-upon place and time of their next

Walking around the corner on the way to her next class Hazel almost walked right into Dr. Zack.
       “Oh hello" she said, remembering her mental note she'd made to talk to him.
“How are you?" she asked, giving
him an innocent smile. Dr. Zack seemed a bit startled and uncomfortable when he saw her, "I'm doing fine, thank you." He replied. Hazel had been watching Dr. Zack around other students, and this response seemed more reserved than
normal. Inside Hazel floundered a little. She got the crazy idea that he knew what she was doing, but how could he? His aura was portraying him having a feeling of alarm. Hazel frowned a little but didn't let her voice
show anything.
       “Is there something on your mind?" she asked, sounding concerned.
       “Oh? Uh, nothing, nothing!" he said hastily, glancing at his watch, "        “Excuse me, but I've got to get to a class now!" He smiled weakly and hurried off.
       “Wait!" Hazel called after him. She knew something was up from his aura and she had little doubt it had to do with her, “Could we talk after school today? It's somewhat important". She said all this in a tone that could not be ignored. Something was up and she had to find out what it was. He looked rather troubled, but said, “I stay about an hour after school lets out today. I’ll
be in my office next to the Physics lab. My hours are on the door.”
       “I’ll be there,” she said more to herself then to him.

       Later that day Hazel could be seen standing outside Dr. Zack’s office. She had brought her books, more so as a comfort than a need. She knocked lightly on the door and waited.
       “Come in,” said a voice from with in. Hazel did just that. He was siting at his desk having a look at some papers.
       “Hello, I came to discuss what was on your mind today” she started, getting right to the point, “I know it’s important and I would like you to tell me”. Hazel finished giving him a stern look.
       “Close the door and have a seat, Hazel." he said, returning an equally stern look. Hazel shut the door and took a seat after a moments hesitation. He sat for a few moments, apparently attempting to decide how to start the conversation, then muttered, "May as well come out with it. So, Hazel, what is your position with regard to your creator, Dr. Von Richter?" Hazel was quite taken aback by this but didn’t let it show, “So you know about Von R?” It was more of a statement than a question. Now she knew she would
be treading on thin ice. She also again got the feeling Dr. Zack knew about Cybersix, “He and I have not seen or heard from each other since I ran away at 10”. She said crossing her arms. Dr. Zack nodded, as if checking off something on a list in his head. He steepled his fingers and rested his elbows on his desk, "       “Then you are aware of the kind of man that is posing a real threat to this city. Unless you've just recently arrived or have had your head stuck under a rock someplace for the last several months, you've probably heard of reports of a living mud ball attacking a theatre, a giant mollusk saving the city a lot of money by demolishing the old bridge, and that drilling robot whose pieces they found under that construction site across from the central bank. If those haven't caught your attention, then certainly a little bird, or perhaps a hundred of them, may have informed you." Hazel was rather unimpressed by this information.
"I'm new here in the city but I'm aware of what kind of man we're dealing with."
"Well, he seems to have set his sights on this city for some strange reason. Life would be unpleasant for all of us here, including you, if he succeeds. It behooves all of us to work together against him. Or at least not to impose selfish burdens on each other. Especially not on one certain lady who's been at the head of the battle all this time," He sighed at some recollection, "I imagine Von Richter would give nearly anything to get rid of her." This was defenitly not good. Hazel sighed, feeling more tired then she had in days.
"I'll look over my current situation again and perhaps speak with you again later". she said getting up to go. There was really no point in trying to make him see things her way.
"Have a nice evening." Dr. Zack replied as she left his office.

The talk with Dr. Zack had been interesting to say the least. She walked down the street watching the people around her: She didn’t think it was safe to jump, as she was keen on not being seen. As she was making her way into a dark ally she saw the little boy again. He was being carried by a Fixed Idea, and they were headed right for her! Don’t do anything rash, she thought to herself, it’s very likely they don't remember you. However, the boy did stop to yell at her, but Hazel paid him little heed, “Buzz off!” he started.
       Hazel found taking orders from a kid that looked all of 7 to be very amusing, and cracked up in front of him. He yelled at his Fixed Ideas
to do something but Hazel held her hand up.
       “Wait! I know who you are! You’re Von R’s
little errand boy, Jose” she said.
       Boy this wasn’t improving her popularity with him! He scowled at her, “For the last time, I’M NOT A CHILD!” he seemed beside himself now. It started to come back to her how easy it was to get him going. It didn’t even cross his mind, in his rage, that she shouldn’t even know who Von R was. Of course,
her memories of Jose were few, but they were enough. Her mind kept telling her she should just stay away from him, but a thought had crept into her
       After a few minutes, she’d heard enough and sternlysaid “Do you want to know what I have to offer or not?” That stopped him for the moment, “What you
have to offer?” he suddenly looked curious and alert.
       “Yes” Hazel went on, “I’m one of Von R’s creations as well! I, however, am sick of having to go to Von R for sustenance. I thought we could make a little deal between the two of us.” At that moment, he did look interested.
       “What’d you have in mind?” asked the blonde, who Hazel had not seen, come up. She hated how the people in this city, well the inhuman ones anyway,
did that.
       “Well I know that Von R wants you to catch and deliver the one called Cybersix to him. I know how to get her for you. You can take all the credit and not even mention me, if you want. In return you will free
me of sustenance.” Everyone in the ally was silent after this little
speech. At last Jose spoke, “So, you’ll get Cybersix for me if I take care of your sustenance problem?”
       “Yep that’s all there is to it”
       “What’s your name?” he demanded. Hazel thought quickly, picking a name she had a little ID for, “Techno 1287.”
       “How would you capture her?” he went on.
       “Let’s just say I have the right connections, don’t worry about that”. While Jose was thinking that over the blonde girl looked Hazel over, “I’ve never seen you before,” she said suspiciously.
       “I’m one of those types that just blend into the crowd. I don’t play a big part and I don’t like having to go to Von R for sustenance.”
       “I want to see your tattoo,” the girl suddenly said. Hazel gave her a sly smile.
       “I'd show you, but it’s in a rather private place.” The girl gave Hazel a look, then smiled herself, “All right” she said. Hazel didn’t think the girl believed her but it was ok between them. Once again, Hazel tried to
read her aura, and couldn’t.
       “May I ask who you are?” Hazel ventured. The girl was quiet for a moment before saying, “Quaren” in a thick voice, almost prissy, in Hazel’s opinion.

       Jose chose that moment to come over, “I’ll take you up on your offer. You get me Cybersix.”
       “And you’ll free me?” Hazel questioned, watching him carefully to see if he was lying.
       “And I’ll free you.” He said looking pleased. Hazel looked carefully at his aura: He was telling the truth. Warning bells still went off in her head, but she ignored them.
       “Meet me at Westside Avenue in 9 days at 1:00 AM. Bring your men.” She had picked Westside av. because if she did decide to turn back she could and no one would be the wiser. She also wasn’t going to give him any information on Cybersix for two reasons. The first was the obvious reason he wouldn’t need her if he knew. Two, she had a promise to keep to Cybersix herself. Hazel had said she wouldn’t tell anyone Adrian and Cybersix were one and the same if she got substenamce. Cybersix had kept her end of the deal and in her own way Hazel thought she was to. Making her exit onto the street she could feel Quaren’s eyes on her retreating back.
       End of Chapter 4

