
The creature took a soft step forward. Her head was tilted the side, listening. Her hand moved to her side and gently fumbled with her sword, the handle was warm as she had been holding it on and off for the last ten minutes. At just the right moment she leapt out of her hiding place and lashed out. Her enemy looked shocked to see her before her sword connected with her head. Finishing with a small flick of her tail across his chest. Hearing the approach of feet she ran her legs pumping putting pressure on the balls of her feet, jumping onto a roof, spreading her wings simultaneously. When she was in the relative safely of the sky she picked up speed and flew into that vastness of still space.


After landing she took a quick inventory of her surroundings. Water was the main element of this world while vegetation was scarce a bit of mist hung in the air carrying smells of food with it. Grimacing she traveled over to a group of creatures. She plopped herself down next to them, crouching like a cat. Her tail flicking across the ground, feeling vibrations for anyone coming up behind her. Rajani turned to her and smiled, Shahla managed to return it. Rajani was a member of the body gathering, her power being that of great speed. She was kind enough but rather passive in the time of need. 
"How was it?" she asked in Graquin tongue. Shahla smiled bitterly, "Everything went well, even though I didn't follow the plan". Shahla quickly lost interest in the conversation around her. Her eyes wondered up to the stars, she took a drink allowing the liquid to sooth her sore throat. Off in the distance she spied Earth, words floated back to her.

Losing is a terrible crime
Such is the nature of time
Earth is below the rest
Yet it holds nothing but the best

What is a soul alight?
Life and the night
Flower in the wind
Space nothing but a din

Let the mind wonder and play
But with the stars you must stay
Fire, ice, water, land you will find
Forever and ever entwined

 Shahla shook her head. Earth the only location in space that was not torn. The Gods roamed there no one ever bothered them, they had good reason. Earth had the one thing that would be the end to them all.

       Once again she rose from her seat, unable to sit for any long period of time. Not that it mattered she had other appointments tonight. To see and to be seen she laughed to herself.


Shahla rarely thought of her beginning. Whenever anyone asked she said it was nothing special, just the usual, most of it was on the account of hormones. The truth was Shahla was one of a kind, the first merge of the body and the mind. No one knew that though, everyone has their secrets. Her Mother had been raped in a raid, Shahla had never known her Mother or Father and that was fine by her. She had grown up in what people called "Caferoltiaf". There she learned the tricks of her trade, through example mostly.

The people around her had named her "Shahla". She had just roamed from place to place. Mind or Body, Body or Mind it didn't really matter which turf she wondered into no one bothered her. Shahla meant "dark flower" so she had always used it, liking it.

Shahla was the merge of the body and mind in all that it implies. She was fast, could fly, strong, had excellent seeing and hearing, could feel vibrations in her tail and see the souls of people. What people were really feeling but she couldn't read minds. Using her soul power she was able to stay away from creatures that could read minds however. Thus keeping her secret. Often offering information to both sides. A dangerous game but if played right she had nothing to worry about.

         Shahla looked different too. Well everyone was different but she was an extra special case. She had long black hair that hung loose over her back. A long cat's tail with a spike at the end and pure white skin. Her eyes were 2 different colors one was red and the other gold. Shahla most often wore black pants, and half-top, threads criss crossed along her arms with one large cross across her stomach, plan black boots. A black collar was around her throat, wrists and tail. A sword hung lazily at her side, a small knife hidden next to the real spike in her tail. Crawls on each hand. Yes a sight for sore eyes.

       She landed on a flat metal plane. She looked around and saw the stars quite clearly. There were no clouds or trees to block the view. She started to relocate herself to the one building the eye could see. Normally when walking on metal she would hear the faint click of her heels on the ground, no matter how often she did it not being able to hear anything disturbed her for some reason.

       Inside there was much activity and her presence went unnoticed. Still letting her tail trail across the floor. Stopping for a moment to study an object, she ducked. The knife missed her narrowly and she turned to see Akash behind her with a disappointed look on his face.
       "Some day" she said.
       "Yeah, how'd you know?"
       "Have I ever told you before?"
       "Then I won't tell you now" Akash's smile seemed a little forced but he said nothing more. Instead he floated over to one of the many doors. Opened it and disappeared. Shahla remained where she was for a few moments more. Waiting…

       Oh the nature of time, how well it hides it's true face. Earth holding it's only key. Time was completely shattered, non-existent. If Shahla or any of the others were to venture to the Earth they would die. They didn't age because quite simply there was nothing to age them with. While if they were to go to Earth time would catch up with them. Thus Earth, the Gods and mortals roaming it were left in peace. A sour smile, Zeus would be out of his league here.

       Mind VS the Body, a conflict that had been raging long before her time. Nothing was to be gained if one emerged as the victor. Each wished for the other's destruction. Such short, sighted fools. Still pretty much all her life she had preyed on this short "sightedness". The great Gods of the stars acting upon nothing but instinct to live. Live had no meaning. The simplicity of it all was mind boggling.

       Shahla shook her head to rid herself of these thoughts. There would be more time for that later.

       Forever on the move Shahla was in the blackness of space. Racing toward her next destination which happened to be where she would sleep. Earth was the only planet that moved or had night and day. She passed by it on her way, to them nothing more then a shooting star; the place held her fascination.

       Thrown backwards in the air she righted herself and turned. Thunder rolled into her ears and light blinded her vision. "Wait! Thunder? It's not possible!" She thought madly to herself. She then heard the snap of a cloak behind her, turning she saw a lightening blot pierce the night sky. A lone, white figure was also watching…

       The wind played gently with her long hair. Back on the Body base Shahla had been given much to think about. She couldn't understand what had happened with the lightening and who the creature had been but whoever it was she would find out. 
       End of Chapter 1


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