Shahla Chapter 2

Fire, ice, ice, fire, water, mind, fly, fly, fire Shahla's head was racing with thoughts as she spun through the sky several days later. Akash was at her side and not helping the slightest. Akash was not actually beside but back at the base. He had the ability to see and hear her even from great distances; in fact he rarely left the safety of his base. He could view almost anyone, though some had the strength to block him out made him an excellent spy. Shahla wasn't worried about her situation though because at the body base they had issued a protective wall to such abilities. Shahla could block him out if she so desired unless she was really weak.
       "I'm cutting you off" she told him.
       "Because you're interrupting the normal thought process. Besides I'm sure there are some ladies you want to observe." She smiled for nothing but her own befit. There was silence on the other end until finally, "All right I'm going." Drifted into her mind.
With that she stopped the bond just as the Body base came into clear view.


       "What the…?!" Shahla screamed in her mind.
       "What was that?" she asked out loud.
       "You heard me" Rajani replied.
       "That's crazy" Shahla voiced, "Face the Mind group in
open space?"
       "What's so crazy about it? I'm just surprised we haven't done it already." Shahla snorted, "There are good reasons we haven't done it already." This wasn't like Rajani; normally Shahla would have thought her against the whole idea. Shahla saw anger burning in her soul, it made her sad for some reason but she saw she was wasting her time in pleading her case with Rajani.
       "Such as?" Rajani continued even though in Shahla's mind the issue was closed.
       "Have you seen any strange people around here?" Shahla asked ignoring the previous question. Rajani looked at her oddly, "no…why?"

Were we meant to tell to lies? Shahla thought. Were lies meant to fall easily on our tongues or were we made to be truthful to each other and just no longer follow that code. Why do our hearts and breath speed up from each untruth that falls to anther's ears of our accord? Is it a gift or a curse?
"Nevermind" she said and walked away.

There was no reason to panic yet. This was not something to be lightly brushed off of course but there was still no reason to panic. All the she had to do was keep anyone from finding out she was on both sides, more importantly giving information to both sides. She shivered.

       Her feet slammed into the dirt as she picked up speed, leaping into the air heading as fast as she could for the Mind base.

         "Shahla!" Akash called. Shahla turned in the direction of her beckoning.
       "What is it?" she asked listlessly. The news came to her only in pieces but she got the gist of it. Body…battle…last…thought you should know…why…you…strange? This was not good at all!

       Why? Why were they choosing to battle now after all this time? For some reason that was beyond her comprehension a small black rose drifted into her brain. It was blowing gently in the breeze. She mentally shook her head. She figured it was a product of her overly high stress. She didn't even bother to check Akash's soul she knew what she would find.

       What Shahla was finding hard to believe was the stupidity of both groups. What about the canceling effect? In the past it seemed that when the two groups got close together they would cancel out each other's powers a little making them weaker. No one really knew why it just happened. Shahla hypothesized that it was because the two groups were so different, then again she was a mix and she was immune to it or maybe she was never up to her full power because she was always canceling out herself. Never having known her full power she had come to except it as normal. It just got too complicated.


       Later in the night Shahla decided to talk to the Mind Leader Malik. She recognized that it was a very desperate attempt to save her life and perhaps talk him out of it but at this point she didn't care. If nothing else she may be able to persuade him to allow her to linger at the base. So her mind made up she made a beeline for his current location at the far end of the room. Her head high and her shoulders back a determined expression on her face.
       "May I have a moment of your time?"
       "Of course Shahla what can I do for you?"
       "I would like you to confirm whether the rumor that has been going around recently is true. The one regarding an encounter with the Body group"
       "It would be correct." Shahla sucked in a quick breath this was what she was afraid of.
       "Perhaps I could remain here?"
       "Why?" he questioned not terribly concerned about the reason one of his missionaries would like to stay behind on what was probably one of the most important battles to ever commence.
       A bitter smile fell onto Shahla's mouth. She told a half-truth, "Let's just say I have a bad feeling about this."
       "I'm sorry but your attendance is mandatory." He turned his head away from her as if to say the discussion was finished. Shahla however was not about to back down and accept the fact that her destruction was most likely at hand. She would have to ease the tension though and come up with a good excuse to feel uneasy about such an important and dangerous event.
       "Fine I'll leave you but before I do I must tell you that there have been some unusual developments from Earth."
       "Earth? What about it?" Interesting Shahla thought. His breathing had just picked up ever so slightly she had his full attention now. She narrowed her multicolored eyes at him and began searching his soul. He was the uneasy one now like a trapped animal she sensed he may lash out and she would be the one in the way. Shahla decided to back off for the moment. To attack such a powerful animal without any real plan would be foolish.
       "Nothing much sir, just an unusual amount of activity. I'll keep you informed if anything happens. Thanks for your time."

       End of Chapter 2

