The Other Side Chapter 3

The next morning she was up before anyone, having never fallen back to sleep. 29 was also up early, as if he was afraid she would leave without him if she could get the chance. He may have been right about that. She was only taking a few extra clothes and sustenance vials, so she departed without a scene. She left orders with a Techno to keep an eye on Jose: She knew the Techno would inform her if there was any trouble.

At first, both 29 and she were quiet while driving, both happy and comfortable in each other's company. The sun coming up over the horizon of Meridianna was a rather beautiful sight, making the world seem peaceful and uncomplicated. As the sun hit her face and tenderly warmed it, she knew she would have to break the pleasant silence.
"I got an apartment close to the high school."
"The high school?" he looked at her curiously.
"Yes. When I was young, most of my classes leaned toward teaching and English. I managed to get a job at the high school as a Literature teacher without it looking too suspicious." He nodded.
"Besides," she continued, "I think I may be able to pick up rumors about the resistance and the 'El Independiente'."
"I've heard of the paper," 29 nodded again. He seemed to have something on his mind.
"What is it?" she asked gently, while placing her hand on his leg just above the knee.
"Nothing," he said and gave her an unconvincing grin, but she let it drop.
"Whatever you say," was all she uttered as she turned the van onto a busy street, looking for the address of the apartment she had memorized.

The guy who opened the door owned the building and was also a Techno. It was one of the reasons she had selected the apartment. Cybersix had thoughtfully booked a hotel for 29 to stay at while he ran around contacting the Types and Technos.
"Here you are Cybersix."
"Thank you 1284, you may go," Cyber29 was already into everything, checking it out. She opened her mouth to tell him to stay out of her stuff, but he beat her to it.
"A bit small." he commented.
"Well I'm not going to be here that often. Besides, you try finding a large apartment that doesn't cost an arm and a leg around here!" She grabbed some books that were sitting on her desk: The ones she had told the Techno to pick up for her.
"Well, get out of here! Didn't I give you a job to do?" She snapped. 29 made a mock bow and waltzed out of the room. Once again he left Cybersix trying to hold back laughter.

"Here is your classroom Mr. Sidelman and here is the schedule."
"Thank you, Mr. Brown"
"Good luck." and with that simple sentence he walked away. Cybersix, with a look of determination on her face, walked into the room. ready for whatever anyone wanted to throw at her.

Later that day, when she was collecting a pop test she had given out, she found a little heart on one of the papers. "I Think I Love You" was written on it. Cybersix was stunned to say the least, but recovered her senses quickly. With an angry humph, she slammed the note onto the desk of a young girl with bright red hair. The girl folded her arms over her chest and scowled. Cybersix hoped that she wouldn't have any more trouble from her, for her sake.

"Are you going to see Dan after school?" Cybersix had a headache from listening in to all of the student's conversations. Her sensitive hearing picked them up easily enough, but it was tiring and she hadn't found out too much. She had a few addresses that might be worth a look, but that was all. Probably just rumors.

She had a book open in her hand as she was walking home. The day's classes had proved that she needed to brush up on a few things. She was so into studying it that she didn't see that she was being tailed. Someone knocked into her as he was walking by. She went to glare at the guy when out of the corner of her eye she saw a gang of kids grouping behind her. A dark look passed over her features for a second: It was that girl, Lori, and a few of her minions.

She turned into an alley still keeping her head down as if intent on reading her book. The gang pounced all at once. They made it clear they were not amused that Adrian had not accepted Lori. Apparently, the young lady was quite taken with him.

A few choices presented themselves, none of which were very favorable. One: she could run. That might be dangerous if she over did it. Also, she found the idea of retreat distasteful and humiliating. Two: she could fight. This also might draw attention if she over did it, which would probably happen given the odds. Three: she could let them beat her up. This
was good except for the problem of her shirt and hair. Not to mention the fact that they might find it odd that she didn't bruise or cut.

Then there was a noise from the front of the alley.
"Hey!" a voice called out. The teenagers stopped. A large human shape went into the shadows, then reappeared. It was a large, blond haired man. It seemed the kids knew him and retreated quickly, throwing a few backward glances over their shoulders. Cybersix was glad for his help, sort of.

He introduced himself as Lucas Amato and explained that he had seen them following her from school, (great). It turned out that he was a fellow educator at Meridianna High School: His field of study was biology. Lucas invited her for some coffee, but she refused since she had more important things to attend to.


There was a knock at her apartment door later that night. Cybersix was just putting on her leather pants and top, so whoever it was had better have had a real good reason to disturb her.
"A package from your brother, Cybersix." stammered the Techno. Cybersix's natural curiosity was aroused. She took the package, waited until the Techno was gone, then tore into it. Inside was a leather suit, cape, hat and gloves. She wondered about the unusual gift. She was about to put it away when she got a sudden flash of inspiration and put it on.

"Well it IS kind of classy."

She was about to jump out the window, in her new attire, when the phone rang. She let it ring for a moment and then decided to pick it up.
"Hey, did you get my present?" an enthusiastic voice floated out.
"Yes it was…different." There was a small chuckle on the other end, "I thought you'd look good in it." She couldn't resist rolling her eyes, even if it was only for her own benefit.
"Is that all?" she asked in a bored tone.
"Well I was sort of hoping you and I could meet some place tonight. I'm almost finished with the Technos and Types. I could help you." He said eagerly.
"No!" Then she thought about it for a second, "Perhaps tomorrow." She hung up the phone without even waiting for a reply.

Her first stop was one of the "rumors" she had overheard. The students were vague talking about things on the news and what they had over heard from their parents and friends. But if there had been a fight somewhere, they knew about it. It was an old apartment building, not too impressive. She wouldn't even have bothered with it, but it had come up twice: It was the only address that did.

It was dark inside. Not that she needed a light. Her high heels clicked on the floor as she walked. She listened for sounds and checked in rooms but didn't find anything of interest.

She then heard a small sound off to her right down the hall. Whoever it was must have been shuffling, trying to be quiet. She stopped and listened. Suddenly, the sound moved quickly. Almost running, but still fairly quiet.

She started to run after them. She knew they could hear her, so she stopped for a second and slipped her boots off. Her feet made not a sound as she roamed through the hallways, twisting, turning, going back retracing her steps to confuse her prey. Then the strangest thing happened. A high pitched sound came on, full blast. To Cybersix's sensitive hearing it hurt like hell and she almost yelled out. She sank to her knees, her hands over her ears. To her left was a small window, so she flung herself out of it and into the night, landing rather ungracefully.

Who the hell was that? Why were there speakers like that in a dump like this? Why the hell would anyone turn that on? Then again, maybe that was the stupidest question of them all.

She was deaf when she left the apartment, but by the time she got home her ears were ringing.
"Oh, am I going to have a headache tomorrow!" She thought morosely as she clambered into bed. Moonlight fell across her and the aforementioned bed from the famous white orb in the sky. It's beauty was squandered on her, however, as she was lost in her own frustrated and ringing thoughts.

End of Chapter 3

