The Other side Chapter 4

Adrian sighed as he walked down the hall to his classroom. She had been on this mission for 2 weeks now and she had uncovered nothing. She had visited the building again, but it was what it appeared to be, despite stopping by there at least once a night. She didn’t know what else to do: In this case it seemed the best thing to do was to wait for something to come to her.
“Good afternoon class. Please turn to page 232 and….”


“Look! Amato has a new one!”
A chuckle “I give 3 weeks!”

Mildly interested, Cybersix raised her head in the direction the students were indicating. Indeed, Lucas was talking to a young lady, Cybersix had never seen her around the school before, looked like she was in her early 20s. She had light brown hair, cute and talked a lot with her hands. Lucas was looking at her intently, as though hanging on to her every word. When it was time for her to depart, she gave him a few sloppy kisses. But while doing so, she slipped a tiny piece of paper into his pocket. She pulled back, smiled, and glided away. Not taking his eyes off her, he put his hand in his pocket, his smile vaporizing.

"Um hmm," Cybersix vocalized.


Later that day she could be seen discreetly following Lucas around after school. She stood in some shadows while he walked through the market section, light reflecting off her glasses. When he entered a café, Cybersix did likewise. It was small but looked comfortable to the point of being cozy. When Lucas sat down, she steeled herself and joined him. He was a little startled but smiled in a friendly fashion. They ordered. Cybersix just stuck to a club house, Lucas headed for the poltry
“You just moved here eh?” Lucas asked through a mouthful of chicken.
“Yes, though I’ve lived in the area before.”
The blond man smiled, “So back for more? Well it is some city, but I wouldn’t stay here if I could help it.”
Cybersix smiled privately: Yes, it was some city. But what did he mean if he could he help it? “Well why don’t you leave?” she responded.
Lucas shook his head as if to clear it, then shrugged, “Lots of little reasons. My job for one thing. How long have you been teaching?” he asked, tactfully changing the subject.
The rest of the conversation was pleasant enough but uneventful.

The lock on her apartment door clicked open and she slipped in. She stumbled over a package left on her floor. The lights were off so she could make out a faint green glow coming from it. She gently picked it up and placed it under her night table. Without turning on a light she lifted the phone. It rung about 5 times before someone picked it up.
“Put Jose on.”
“YES?” She heard the brat shouting in the background.
“It's Cybersix.”
“Jose” She let a few seconds hang in the air before going on, “How is the equipment?”
“All ready.”
“You tested it?”
“Yes! It works perfectly!” he reported proudly.
“Good. Now I’m going to call home and see how the training is going.” She heard his breath catch in his throat, but when he responded he kept his voice steady, “Yes Cybersix,” then there was a click on the other end. She dialed the number of the compound. The phone was answered immediately. She asked for 5 extra Fixed Ideas to be sent to Meridianna at once.

She thought of calling 29: When he was finished his job he had wanted to stay with her. She had said no, but he didn’t return to the mansion. Well, she didn’t blame him. She wouldn’t want to live with Jose and his Fixed Ideas in that place either.


The air felt wonderful on her face. She had just had a vial of sustenance so she felt refreshed. Unfortunately, her destination was coming into view: Lucas’s dwelling. Luck was with her, for he was home. She selected a nearby roof top and waited. He was about to head out.

“Mind you stay out of trouble, Mr. Amato!” Cybersix said to no one in particular.

He seemed to be walking in circles, first going down one block, then another. And then another, at times ending right where he had started from. What was he doing? Eventually he came to a stop at a bar. It was fairly out of the way and small, but he went in. Cybersix thought for a moment. Apparently, he didn’t want to be followed, so unless he was here to see a prostitute (or something to that effect), he was probably worth going after. For a moment she wished she had 29 with her, then she pushed the idea away. She took off her hat, cape and gloves, then dropped to the street and followed Lucas’s example.

She spotted him at the bar. He was sitting next to a man in his late 30s and they already had a couple of beers. The man was a red head, and his hands were shaking slightly. She suspected he drank a bit, perfect. She chose a table not far away, got a beer, but nursed it. Their conversation was definitely worth her trouble.
“Well, I know you didn’t want me to meet you just to have a beer.”
A sigh, “You’re right Lucas”
“So, what is it you want to talk to me about?”
“First of all I want you to know that you are one of my most trusted friends, which is why I wanted to tell you first.”
Lucas nodded. Then man took a breath before weighing his words.
Lucas began to sip his beer".
“We have reason to think that Cybersix is coming to Meridianna personally”
Lucas nearly choked on his drink, "What?!"
“You heard me.”
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t have even mentioned it if I wasn’t.”
“When do you think?”
“My sources think as soon as a couple of weeks.” There was a few moments of silence.
“Do you know what she looks like?” Lucas asked finally.
“No. No one does.” Across the room Cybersix smiled.
“However, as you know, we think she is stronger and faster even than those things.”
“I know.”
“Lucas, I wanted to give you this,” from his trench coat he pulled out a small metal box that looked like a little radio control.
“What is it? Is it-? Did you actually do it?”
Cybersix leaned lower to get a better look.
“Nero” the man said. Lucas smiled.
“I’m giving this to you. Stay safe.”
Lucas studied it. Both their smiles suddenly fell and they began discreetly looking around the bar, then at each other. Lucas tried to get up in a casual way but it was too rushed.
Cybersix didn’t understand what was going on. Outside the men shook hands, going into different cabs. Cybersix ducked into an alley where she donned her cape, hat and gloves. She decided to tail Lucas’s cab, seeing that he now had whatever that object was. The cab stopped outside his apartment. She located the spot she had sat on earlier in the night to watch him. He changed, looked over his daybook, then started making the normal preparations for turning in for the night. However, he seemed agitated. Not long after arriving home he turned off his light and presumably went to sleep.
He had given her more to contemplate in one night then all her explorations had in weeks.

So Lucas was definitely with the resistance but he only had friends in high places. It appeared he himself wasn't in a posion of power, still he would be of use to her but she would have to act quickly for her plan to work.


She landed on her windowsill and gracefully climbed into her residence.
“Good evening. Had a pleasant run?”
She almost gasped, and turned around. Lying on her bed was 29, with a smug grin on his face.
“Yes. It’s a nice night. What are YOU doing here?” she demanded. having regained her composure.
“I missed you” he replied honestly. Cybersix sighed and began to take off her cape and hat.
“So what have you found out?” he asked, probably to take her mind off him.
“Lucas is part of the resistance”
“A co-worker.”
"Go on."
When she didn’t offer any more information he said, “You might as well”
“I went to his apartment tonight, then followed him into a bar. He met a man there. They think I’m coming to Meridianna in a couple weeks. He then gave Lucas this thing, then they both left rather quickly. It was very strange.” It felt good to talk to 29 she had to admit. It was also easier to think when she was replaying the night off to him, although she was being vague.
“You’re calling him by his first name?”
“Did you even hear a word I said?”
“Yeah, sure, you called him Lucas” he mockingly ridiculed.
“I don’t think that was the point”
“All right, so they know you're coming and they left quickly. Big deal. You found the resistance”
“But it IS a big deal. You don’t understand. You weren’t there.”
“That ain’t my fault!”
There were times when she just wanted to kill her brother, and now was one of those times. She glared at him, and he lowered his eyes after a moment.
“So what are you going to do about it?” He questioned.
“Are the Fixed Ideas I sent for here yet?”
“No, but they should be by tomorrow night”
“Good. I’ll call you later about what I want to do with them”
“Should I be worried?”
She almost laughed, “No!”
“Really, what are you going to do?”
“Don’t worry about that just yet. Let’s just say I’m going to be getting to know Lucas quite a bit more.”
“What?! You’re not!”
“What’s the problem?” she took a step closer to her brother: Something was wrong.
“Nothing…it’s just, do you think that’s safe?”
Oh. He was just worrying about her safety again.
“29! I’m a big girl and can take care of myself!”
He looked at her for a moment then said in a slightly husky voice, “Yeah I know.” He gave her a forced smile, “Well goodnight,” He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Sweet dreams brother” he gave her hand a good luck squeeze then was out the door.

She took off her suit and turned down her bed, then sat by her window for another hour, thinking.

End of Chapter 4

